Mentoring: Your Success Tool for Business Advancement! (Plus Happy New Year Special!)

Benefits of Business Mentor

Do you know the #1 reason people don’t succeed in business is because they never get help? The thing is, getting help is not always about getting people to assist you with tasks or assignments, or getting help financially. Sometimes getting help means allowing someone to help you navigate the course so you don’t have to learn the hard way. That’s the power of having a mentor. A mentor can help guide you as well as help you tap into your own potential so you can develop confidence. Here’s what I know about mentoring.

Mentoring vs Coaching

A common misconception about having a mentor is that it is the same as having a coach. While the aim of both of these can overlap, there is a difference between coaching and mentoring. When it comes to coaching, the goal is the help you achieve a specific goal our outcome. However, mentoring is more about guiding you through certain challenges you may be dealing with. Achieving a specific goal may be something a mentor can help you with, however that would only consist of one aspect of the mentee-mentor relationship. A mentor is there to help you grow in an area of difficulty or challenge, where as a coach is there to help you achieve an accomplishment or objective. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the main reasons to have a mentor.

The 5 Key Benefits of Having a Good Mentor

  1. A good mentor will help you clarify your vision, purpose and goals.
    This is the true power of a mentor. When you don’t have a clear vision or focus, it’s hard to accomplish anything. A good mentor will help you understand how to bring clarity to your life and/or business so you know where you’re going.
  2. A good mentor will help you own your “stuff” and grow through it.
    When you have a good mentor, you can come into the relationship with trust and honesty. This is how you achieve breakthrough and growth. A good mentor will listen to your challenges, but they won’t leave you there!
  3. A good mentor will help you stay accountable.
    One thing about setting goals is you need to stay on track. A mentor can help you learn how to be accountable to both yourself and the goals you set.
  4. A good mentor will champion you and help you see your full potential.
    There’s nothing like someone who believes in you. In fact, most people don’t believe in themselves until they have someone validate their abilities. A good mentor will encourage you to be the very best YOU that you can be.
  5. A good mentor will do what’s best for you.
    Have you ever worked with someone as your leader and it seemed like every conversation was about them? Well that’s NOT what a good mentor does. A good mentor will take a genuine interest in YOU and listen, pray and prepare for ways to help you move forward in your life and//or business.

Want to Get More From Your Mentor? Ask Great Questions!

John Maxwell, an author, pastor and business leader on the topic of leadership, shares in his books that great leaders ask great questions. In fact, he believes that when you learn to ask great questions, you can get more from your mentor because the quality of their answers is only as good as your questions. In his book, Mentoring 101, John shares these 13 questions to ask of your mentor.

The 13 Must-Ask Questions for Your Mentor
  1. How do you define success?
  2. What values guide your decision?
  3. What’s the most effective daily habit you possess?
  4. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  5. What’s the greatest piece of advice you’ve gotten?
  6. What do you wish you knew at my stage of life or career?
  7. What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned from a failure?
  8. What are you learning right now?
  9. What positive thing do you see in me that I need to focus on developing?
  10. What obstacle that I DON’T see is preventing me from moving forward?
  11. What must I do to overcome that obstacle and keep growing?
  12. What do you hope to teach me during our mentoring relationship?
  13. What can I do to make this process worthwhile for you?

Do You Want to Move Forward In Your Business? Ask Me About Mentoring

If you are in business or ministry, chances are you could use some help from someone who can help you get clarity, cover you in prayer, help you stay accountable or show you how to recommit to your passion. If you are considering a mentor, CLICK HERE to contact me for a consultation and let’s schedule a time to talk. It would be an honor to serve you.

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The HAPPY DISCOUNT: Save $10 off online orders today through Wednesday!

It’s a happy time at Swiftfire Ministries. Not only is it my birthday (Happy Birthday To Me!); it’s also Rosh Hashana, The Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashana begins at sunset on September 13th and ends on the evening of September 15th. The Biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, which translates to day of shouting. Some people refer to this celebration as the Feast of Trumpets.

So since we’re in this great season of new beginnings, I want to extend to you a discount on any purchases of $50 or more today through Wednesday! Happy New Year!!

Enter Code: save10bd to save $10 off your purchase of $50 or more.

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Next Live Event: Meet Dr. Sharnael & Ian Clayton at the Mobilizing Light Conference!

September 24 – 26, Walker, Louisiana

Sharnael Ministering Mobilizing Light
Anyone with a longing to dig deep into the Kingdom realm and the mysteries in the Word of God is welcome to join us!

Our life in HEAVEN is more lasting and real than anything here. You and I are establishing our DNA and our agreed to assignment from the WAS WAS, before we were in the womb. It’s time to truly assume our responsibility in our FATHER’S Kingdom in HEAVEN first and here on Earth, then the Multiverse.

Ian Clayton and Dr. Sharnael Wolverton are mandated to teach other Sons of God to access their God Given right to the FATHER’S KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and HIS MULTIVERSE just as Yeshua and HIS DISCIPLES did in the Bible’s New Testament.
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