Why My “I Am” List Trumps Your “To-Do” List Any Day!

Decree for today: I am…


With the hustle and the bustle of the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in all the things you have to do. I invite you to hit pause for just a moment and to write out a different kind of list. Here’s what I am writing to give you some inspiration…

Instead of a list to do…I am writing a list of I AM:

I Am love
I Am joy
I AM peace
I Am gifted
I Am SUPERnatural
I AM His Beloved

~Dr. Sharnael

List of I Ams

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Did You Know Essential Oils Can Stimulate and Awaken Your Senses?

The nature of pure essential oils are good for the mind, body and spiritual awareness. Learn how you can bring the power of essential oils into your home.

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Helpful Resources for Spiritual Growth and Wellness Support

Keys To A Third Heaven & Spiritual Reflections (Combo), by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

Learn incredible supernatural insights about heaven and earth encounters!Learn incredible supernatural insights about heaven and earth encounters!

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Entering Heaven’s Frequency, by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

Did you know oils have frequencies? Find the link between Essential Oils and the frequency of heaven.
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Quantum Healing Energy Recording with Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

Explore both the science and the spiritual realm of essential oils and their benefits for your mind, body and spirit.
Explore both the science and the spiritual realm of essential oils and their benefits for your mind, body and spirit.

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Angels, by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

Listen and tap into a new area of understanding of the fullness of His Kingdom Angelic helpers!
Listen and understand the fullness of His Kingdom Angelic helpers!
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Seers Handbook, by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

God is Speaking…Do you understand His language? (with Forwards by Shawn Bolz and Lance Wallnau)
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