Have Dr. Sharnael To Speak At Your Event

Dr. Sharnael is an international public speaker, trainer/mentor, and coach for conferences, alternative wellness centers and health groups, churches, ministries, retreats, ministry teams and individuals who choose to excel in the areas of purpose, abundance, and Divine health. As a minister and Naturopathic Doctor, companies like Young Living, wellness Centers across the World, as well as national and international churches and ministries have Dr. Sharnael come in to share her spiritual, natural health and integrative business experience to help those RE-MEMBER and RE-MIND their highest WHOLE PURPOSE and grow.

Dr. Sharnael is an Ordained Minister, Naturopathic Doctor, and coach, skilled in applying both spiritual and practical methods in life and business to empower purpose, health and wealth.

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dr sharnael speaking event swiftfire international
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