Decree for Today: I Am Light
Quantum physicist, Lambert Dolphin, once wrote :
The statement “Let there be light” may mean (in my opinion) “Let there be energy of all wavelengths and in all forms.” I believe it was from these four working substances created on Day One-(1) space, (2) time, (3) matter and (4) energy-that God constructed (and filled) the universe we live in. His work as Creator, the Son of God was the “master craftsman” of Proverbs 8.
We are His light. He, being the Father of all Lights. He, the Father, being light shines in us, through us and to us. And we are to awaken to this so we then become one – the vibration or signal of light that dissolves and casts out darkness.
In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men.
And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it].
We are the light for the world. Like and share this post if you choose to shine and be the vibration or signal everywhere you go, now and forever!
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