Wellness Coaching

To empower you to you discover, activate, and develop your Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance, we offer one-on-one spiritual and wellness consultations/coaching for individuals, families in business, and home settings.

Naturopathic ConsultationDr. Sharnael is a Naturopathic Doctor as well as a practicing minister.  She is also a successful Crown Diamond in Young Living, sharing essential oils and other natural products, a position which has equipped her to provide Business Marketing Coaching for both business and ministry.

You Can Get Help One of Three Ways:

1. Get Free Coaching With Young Living Kit

For anyone who chooses to enjoy the benefits of using Essential Oils for natural health and wellness, we provide coaching to help you learn how to incorporate the oils into your everyday life. When you order the Premium Starter Kit, you get a free coach from our Swiftfire team to consult and help you get started in the most effective way so you can start seeing results fast.

Once on the page, choose the Premium Starter Kit ($160.00).

What’s Included:
The Premium Starter Kit includes at least 10 essential oils, sample packets, a home diffuser and more. From time-to-time, we will replace certain oils in order to keep up with demand, but rest assured, you will get quality essential oils the the best value. Here are a few of the everyday essential oils we try to include in every premium starter kit:

  • 1 – 5 ml Frankincense
  • 1 – 5 ml Lemon
  • 1 – 5 ml Lavender
  • 1 – 5 ml Peppermint
  • 1 – 5 ml Purification
  • 1 – 5 ml Thieves®
  • 1-5 ml PanAway®
  • AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
  • 10 Sample Packets
  • Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Home Diffuser
    *oils are subject to be substituted depending on supply

Plus, you will get an Essential Oils Booklet, CD, a free session with a Team swiftfire Young Living Coach. Purchasing this set also gives you a Young Living membership, so you can purchase oils and other wellness products at wholesale (discount) prices.

Once your kit is in the system your Coach will contact you!

2.Schedule A Live Coaching Session

We provide individual and group coaching sessions via private coaching line. Schedule your session today.

To reserve your coaching session, schedule either:

Pre-Pay: Click here to reserve your session immediately by paying in advance.

We can set up 30 min consultations, depending on your need.

Live Coaching Pricing

Coaching with Dr. Sharnael gives you access to years of health and business information to help you reach your goals in life and business. Coaching sessions are investments that if followed, will give you a positive return.

Special Online Pricing: We are now offering special pricing of $99.00 for one 30-minute Session or get 3 Sessions for only $275.00 (save 5% off each session).
Note: Regular pricing for live consultations are valued at $177.00 per 30 minute session if you are not a swiftfire YL member.

3.Free Training Via Social Media

For more connection to her and her powerful resources check out her online bookstore, blog, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and of course her popular “30 Day to Life Bootcamp Reset Membership” which is an amazing resource of all the ins and outs of a Keto Lifestyle including over 30 daily videos to reprogram. And Her “I love my Liver Gallbladder Membership” which walks you through a guided Liver/Gallbladder cleanse including 3 videos and tons of support.

She also has these private Facebook groups, “Ketonian Nation” and  “Divine Science and the Human Body.”

4.Bookstore Resources

For more connection to her and her powerful resources check out her online bookstore