Telekinesis Fun! Trebor Seven, Dr. Sharnael & Craig Walker

Mind power is one of the strongest and most useful powers we possess. Psychokinesis, or telekinesis, is the ability to transport and control objects with the power of the mind. The word telekinesis is derived from the Greek words for “mind” and “motion.” Telekinesis is the next level of human and spiritual evolution. There are scientific pieces of evidence for its existence, however, the concept is still hidden and the sources are kept secret.

Join us with our special guest – Trebor Seven as we explore details about Telekinesis and its reality. There is not much information available about telekinesis on open media, this is your chance to know everything, you might have these powers.

Robert Allen aka Trebor Seven on You Tube is a self-taught practitioner and freelance teacher of Psychokinesis. Teachings include Telekinesis (moving objects), Aerokinesis (moving air), Atmokinesis (weather control), Biokinesis (biological organisms), Electrokinesis (manipulation of electricity) Hydrokenisis (water bending), Pyrokinesis (fire manipulation), Extra Sensory Perception, and other psychic abilities. Trebor has been performing telekinesis since March of 2011. Learn telekinesis for free at , or visit for private Psychokinesis tutorials. Robert is also the owner of where you can purchase, or learn how to make, all-natural supplements with supernatural benefits like: Ormus, Sole, Colloidal Silver and more –

✨Journey To Truth ✨

This show will explore many hidden secrets.

Come, join us on this journey, this coming Thursday July 07 at noon CST as Dr Sharnael share her life journey of truth and mysteries. This show will take you on the other side of the universe, where a parallel life exits. A true spiritual Adventure Filled With Passion, Power And Profound Honesty.

The show premieres July 7th Thursday noon CST.

Tyler Kiwala   Aaron Kuhn

Click Here to Watch Dr. Sharnael

Protect you family from harmful radiation!

Plug 🔌 in ⚡️🛡For your home or office ! Softens and reformats the electrical emissions with 200 encoded balancing frequencies for home or office. 

Perfect for protection from EMF and 5G radiation!


Benefits of grounding are numerous !Grounding has been practiced since the beginning of time when our ancestors walked around in bare feet !Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman described an umbrella affect created when we “earth.” He claimed that grounding equalized the electronic potential between the body and the earth, so the body becomes an extension of the earth’s magnetic field.Once this cohesion takes place , tremendous shifts happen within the body that benefit us.  These changes are both electrical and biochemical!More than a great addition to any good first aid kit, this technology has been shown to be effective in facilitating the relief of many health conditions

The benefits of this include :*Better sleep*Improves inflammation response*Improves immune system*Balances hormones*Decreases risk of chronic health conditions*Stress reduction*Calms nervous system*Decreases pain*Neutralizes free-radicals

*Improved Digestion*Increased metabolism*Skin Support*Increased circulation*Respiratory support*Elevated mood & well-being*Increased energy*Adrenal support*Relieves headaches 

*EMF protection*Reduces menstrual symptoms*Decreases muscle tension*Reduces snoring*Offers faster recovery time*Eliminates jet lag*Supports self regulation*Supports a healthy pregnancy *improves Fertility and more!

The Pneuma Real Pain Relief body charging system is guaranteed to supercharge your grounded earth healing experience. This patent pending technology is much like turning up your body battery charger of healing free electrons from slow to high. You can expect to dramatically reduce the healing time for many common injuries such as cuts, scrapes, bruises, sprains, strains, bone fractures, breaks and overall reduce the pain from body inflammation.


Were the ancient priest actually “New Age” or is the “New Age” actually “Old Age?” Maybe all of it is just programming!?

Were the ancient priest actually “New Age” or is the “New Age” actually “Old Age?” Maybe all of it is just programming!?  

“Your mind is programmable – if you’re not programming your mind, someone else will program it for you.”

Programming can be good or bad what’s important is being open and willing to search out truth and not be complacent with what someone tells you no matter who it is!

Join the show this week and let’s look at all these things together! With practical experiences and thoughts, along with our panel of experts from different industries. You can’t afford to miss this show, this show will be your knowledge encyclopedia…….

The show premieres June 30 Thursday noon CST.

Click Here to Watch Dr. Sharnael

Protect you family from harmful radiation!

Plug 🔌 in ⚡️🛡For your home or office ! Softens and reformats the electrical emissions with 200 encoded balancing frequencies for home or office. 

Perfect for protection from EMF and 5G radiation!


Benefits of grounding are numerous !Grounding has been practiced since the beginning of time when our ancestors walked around in bare feet !Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman described an umbrella affect created when we “earth.” He claimed that grounding equalized the electronic potential between the body and the earth, so the body becomes an extension of the earth’s magnetic field.Once this cohesion takes place , tremendous shifts happen within the body that benefit us.  These changes are both electrical and biochemical!More than a great addition to any good first aid kit, this technology has been shown to be effective in facilitating the relief of many health conditions

The benefits of this include :*Better sleep*Improves inflammation response*Improves immune system*Balances hormones*Decreases risk of chronic health conditions*Stress reduction*Calms nervous system*Decreases pain*Neutralizes free-radicals

*Improved Digestion*Increased metabolism*Skin Support*Increased circulation*Respiratory support*Elevated mood & well-being*Increased energy*Adrenal support*Relieves headaches 

*EMF protection*Reduces menstrual symptoms*Decreases muscle tension*Reduces snoring*Offers faster recovery time*Eliminates jet lag*Supports self regulation*Supports a healthy pregnancy *improves Fertility and more!

The Pneuma Real Pain Relief body charging system is guaranteed to supercharge your grounded earth healing experience. This patent pending technology is much like turning up your body battery charger of healing free electrons from slow to high. You can expect to dramatically reduce the healing time for many common injuries such as cuts, scrapes, bruises, sprains, strains, bone fractures, breaks and overall reduce the pain from body inflammation.


Sound, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.

“Sound, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit, and never dies.” Every emotion has a sound element connect to it.

Human bodies are 75% water, which is a great conductor for vibrations. Sound healing sync with these vibrations to connect with specific emotions. Our special guests Cecily Malconery and Steve Hampton explains the concept and its scientifically proven benefits in details.

Join us, this coming Thursday June 23 at noon CST and feel the energy of sound healing. You can also ask questions to our guest in YouTube super chat.

Click Here to Watch Dr. Sharnael and Craig Walker Cecily Macrory and Steve Hampton

Grab Essential Oils

⚡️Anyone who order this kit in June with my link 🥳 I’ll throw in a free remote scan and free consultation !!! 🥳🥳🥳


– Desert Mist Ultrasonic Diffuser

* Frankincense essential oil, 5 ml

* Lavender essential oil, 5 ml

* Lemon Vitality™ essential oil, 5 ml

* Peppermint Vitality essential oil, 5 ml

* Citrus Fresh™ Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml

* DiGize® Vitality essential oil blend, 5ml

* Thieves® Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml

* PanAway® essential oil blend, 5 ml

* Peace & Calming® essential oil blend, 5 ml

* Raven™ essential oil blend, 5 ml

* Stress Away™ essential oil blend, 5ml

* Valor® essential oil blend, 5 ml

* 2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments

* Thieves® Spray

* 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer

* Sachets

* 2 NingXia Red® Singles

* Product Guide and Product Price List

* Essential Oils magazine

* The Essential Edge newsletter



Our relationship and inner work is the most important thing we have .

You are important ! 🥰

Anything that can be measured can be managaged . 📐

If we don’t know where we are , how will know if we are making progress ? 😬🤷‍♀️

I love using bio feedback and Soul Audits to keep track of not only where I am but where I’m going ! 🙋🏼‍♀️

I’m helping many people do the same . 😇

I do this by finding out where people are on the map of consciousness , seeing if their energy centers are aligned , seeing if the make and feminine energy is aligned and finding the top 5 emotions are that would be blocking this progress .

I help my clients clear these emotions , and get all the centers and energies balance , aligned and in the right direction . ⬆️

Doing this automatically sends them up the map of consciousness . ⬆️🧬🙌🏻


The Matrix Redeemed Craig Martin Walker Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon – Swiftfire International Tom Althouse

Mark your calendars ! June 16 noon central The Matrix Redeemed Craig Martin Walker Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon – Swiftfire International Tom Althouse

Not many people know that The Matrix predicted things about life today. The movie anticipated (almost) everything about the way we live now. Even the story is based out of real incidents!!!Surprised!!Yes there is a parallel word that exists. Hold on there is a lot more coming your way.

We are excited to have Thomas Althouse as our special guest. Don’t forget to join us, this coming Thursday June 16 noon CST only on Dr Sharnael True TV YouTube channel.

Click Here to Watch Dr. Sharnael and Craig Walker with Tom Althouse

Grab Essential Oils

⚡️Anyone who order this kit in June with my link 🥳 I’ll throw in a free remote scan and free consultation !!! 🥳🥳🥳


– Desert Mist Ultrasonic Diffuser

* Frankincense essential oil, 5 ml

* Lavender essential oil, 5 ml

* Lemon Vitality™ essential oil, 5 ml

* Peppermint Vitality essential oil, 5 ml

* Citrus Fresh™ Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml

* DiGize® Vitality essential oil blend, 5ml

* Thieves® Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml

* PanAway® essential oil blend, 5 ml

* Peace & Calming® essential oil blend, 5 ml

* Raven™ essential oil blend, 5 ml

* Stress Away™ essential oil blend, 5ml

* Valor® essential oil blend, 5 ml

* 2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments

* Thieves® Spray

* 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer

* Sachets

* 2 NingXia Red® Singles

* Product Guide and Product Price List

* Essential Oils magazine

* The Essential Edge newsletter



Big ANNOUNCEMENT !! OMG it’s finally time ! I know you have been waiting !  Help me get the world out !! 

💪🏻 My book Keto Reset 31 Days to New Life is live now in my bookstore !! 

💪🏻 👙Get this now! And shift your life !

Enjoy the:


Daily Educational Help!

Good vibes!

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Topics include:* Keto Sticks* Keto Sugar and your Brain* Keto and Energy* Keto and Exercise* Keto and Alcohol* Keto Tips on Snacks* Keto Tips on Travel* Keto Testimonies and more !

$19.99  SALE price !!! Click HERE!

Laughter is the best medicine!! Rodney Norman, Dr Sharnael & Megan Rose

Laughter is one of the best tools we have for dealing with stress, and science backs that up. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.

So let’s enjoy and have fun together, with our special guest Rodney Douglas Norman, a comedian, motivational speaker and much more. This episode will make you get rid of all your stress and fall with laughter.

Come on, join us, live with our Host Dr Sharnael and co-host Megan Rose this Thursday noon CST only on Dr Sharnael True TV YouTube channel.

Click here to watch now Dr. Sharnael with Rodney Norman & Megan Rose

Book Your Soul Audit

Raising your frequencies ultimately means reaching higher levels on the map of consciousness (Dr. Hawkins), growing the width of your soul and balancing all your chakras that each are linked to different dimensions of your life. Get your soul audit booked now!

Book Now!

Raise Your Frequency

80 Card Deck – Each card contains a crystal, the info regarding that crystal , 4 hand selected companion essential oils that work best with that crystal AND a perfected decree for maximum high vibe combo benefit !


Get Yours Today!

Stranger Things  Penny L.A Shepard & Dr. Sharnael

The world that we live in has many secret doors and some doors can’t be closed. Their locations are only know to the ones, who are aware about their existence.

We are super excited to have Penny L. A. Shepard as our guest on the coming show. Is she the real Eleven from Stranger Things ? Hold on to your seats, buckle up, and find out ! This coming Thursday Noon CST, we will take you on a journey to another world.

Click here to watch now Dr. Sharnael with Penny L.A. Shepard

My Crystals Oils Decree App! Now on Apple & Android!

Download for Apple

Download for Android


The Premium Starter Bundle with Desert Mist™ Diffuser includes everything you need to jump-start your clean living journey at the best value.



Desert Mist Ultrasonic Diffuser Frankincense essential oil, 5 ml Lavender essential oil, 5 ml Lemon Vitality™ essential oil, 5 ml Peppermint Vitality essential oil, 5 ml Citrus Fresh™ Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml DiGize® Vitality essential oil blend, 5ml Thieves® Vitality essential oil blend, 5 ml PanAway® essential oil blend, 5 ml Peace & Calming® essential oil blend, 5 ml Raven™ essential oil blend, 5 ml Stress Away™ essential oil blend, 5ml Valor® essential oil blend, 5 ml 2 AromaGlide™ Roller Fitments Thieves® Spray 10 Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer Sachets 2 NingXia Red® Singles Product Guide and Product Price List Essential Oils magazine The Essential Edge newsletter


Learn more about using essential oils with kids!

Want to be educated on using essential oils with your kids?

Learn More Now!

WHO Taking over? Time Sensitive with Dr. Ruby, Dr. Peter McCullough, John Leake and Dr. Sharnael

Listen to these two important time sensitive interviews regarding possibilities of WHO Taking over. Join Dr. Sharnael in her interviews with Dr. Jane Ruby, Dr. Peter McCullough, and John Leake Discussing WHO, our military, kids, babies and all Covid-19 updates now! 

Click here to watch now Dr. Sharnael with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

Click here to watch now Dr. Sharnael with Dr. Jane Rudy

Introducing !!! Swiftfire University!

Is your chance to learn with supernatural leaders, and be empowered by utilizing tools and systems for success created by Dr. Sharnael to:

Receive supernatural leadership equipping

Dive deep into the science of health, wealth and frequencies

Shift into new strong work ethic and discipline

Be mentored by leaders who have the results ! 

Who is the Swiftfire University for?

The Swiftfire University Online Membership is for those choosing to:

Get started off on the right track with their Young Living journey

Be committed to their quantum leap miracles 

Learn in a self-paced easy-to-access learning environment

Learn on-the-go via audio!


Long Distance Biofeedback Scans!!

Pressure, isolation and change are all requirements for metamorphosis. A new beginning is upon us. Make 2022 your best year yet.  Have an expectancy that this will be your best year.  

Allow me to help support you in 2022 to make it not just a good year but a great year. 

Only 10 spots open for June 🥰

For more information my Remote Biofeedback Scan ⚡️🦋 ⚡️

Book Now!

Superstitious versus Reality

“Each mind conceives god in its own way. There may be as many variation of the god figure as there are people in the world”― Bangambiki Habyarimana

Mark your calendars May 19 noon central ! Corina Toncz-Pataki Derek Grosskurth Adam Jeppson Karen Britt Craig Martin Walker Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon – Swiftfire International Sharnael Wolverton Sehon There are different versions of people been superstitious, for some it’s a belief, and for some its religion. This episode will take your understanding to the next level through the science of superstition and why people believe in the unbelievable. You won’t find this fact based knowledge anywhere else.

Click here to watch now.

Introducing !!! Swiftfire University!

Is your chance to learn with supernatural leaders, and be empowered by utilizing tools and systems for success created by Dr. Sharnael to:

Receive supernatural leadership equipping

Dive deep into the science of health, wealth and frequencies

Shift into new strong work ethic and discipline

Be mentored by leaders who have the results ! 

Who is the Swiftfire University for?

The Swiftfire University Online Membership is for those choosing to:

Get started off on the right track with their Young Living journey

Be committed to their quantum leap miracles 

Learn in a self-paced easy-to-access learning environment

Learn on-the-go via audio!


Long Distance Biofeedback Scans!!

Pressure, isolation and change are all requirements for metamorphosis. A new beginning is upon us. Make 2022 your best year yet.  Have an expectancy that this will be your best year.  

Allow me to help support you in 2022 to make it not just a good year but a great year. 

Only 10 spots open for June 🥰

For more information my Remote Biofeedback Scan ⚡️🦋 ⚡️

Book Now!

If you missed this 🙏🏻💜 Montauk, Max Spiers, Time Travel, Clones, & more … 

Craig Martin Walker Musician Truther Researcher of the esoteric and seeks to combine his love of spirituality into his music. He plays drums for Nth Ascension and can be found at (Facebook Nth Ascension Music). He also runs a UK based online Crystal shop with his wife Emma which can be found at 

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon – Swiftfire International Sharnael Wolverton Sehon  author , naturopathic doctor & conference speaker specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind , body and Spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this through speaking  in over 44 countries , writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles” , producing her Crystal Oils and Decree Deck and using online classes , social media and Swiftfire TrueTv.

Click here to watch now.

Introducing !!! Swiftfire University!

Is your chance to learn with supernatural leaders, and be empowered by utilizing tools and systems for success created by Dr. Sharnael to:

Receive supernatural leadership equipping

Dive deep into the science of health, wealth and frequencies

Shift into new strong work ethic and discipline

Be mentored by leaders who have the results ! 

Who is the Swiftfire University for?

The Swiftfire University Online Membership is for those choosing to:

Get started off on the right track with their Young Living journey

Be committed to their quantum leap miracles 

Learn in a self-paced easy-to-access learning environment

Learn on-the-go via audio!


Long Distance Biofeedback Scans!!

Pressure, isolation and change are all requirements for metamorphosis. A new beginning is upon us. Make 2022 your best year yet.  Have an expectancy that this will be your best year.  

Allow me to help support you in 2022 to make it not just a good year but a great year. 

Only 10 spots open for June 🥰

For more information my Remote Biofeedback Scan ⚡️🦋 ⚡️

Book Now!