Dr. Sharnael, originally from Montana, is a Naturopathic Doctor and Minister who teaches on Divine Heath and the Human Body. She is a Crown Diamond in Young Living and is passionate about reconciling all people to an integrative life: mind, body, and soul. By teaching in over 44 countries and having over 15,000 clients in over 44 countries, plus her influence on social media, she does just that!
She has also authored 5 books in total, of which the two most recent titles are “The Science Of Miracles Re-Membering The Frequency of Love” and “Keto Reset 31 Days to New Life” as well as a card deck “Crystals, Oils and Decrees Card Deck” and has produced numerous teachings on the topics of Divine Science and the Human Body including consciousness, epigenetics, quantum health, essential oils, nutrition, frequency, the biofield, juicing, conscious language, cleansing, detoxing, and way more!
Dr. Sharnael currently lives in LA with her husband Brian, her 5 children, 6 cats, 4 dogs, hedgehog, and turtle. She is also an animal advocate and foster mom for her local shelter.
For more connection to her and her powerful resources check out her online bookstore, blog, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and of course her popular “30 Days to New Life Keto Bootcamp Reset Membership” which is an amazing resource of all the ins and outs of a Keto Lifestyle including over 30 daily videos to reprogram. And her “I love my Liver Gallbladder Membership” which walks you through a guided Liver/Gallbladder cleanse including 3 videos and tons of support.
She also has these private Facebook groups, “Ketonian Nation” and “Divine Science and the Human Body.”
Confirmations & Words of Blessings For Dr. Sharnael
Bob Jones (to Sharnael) “You’re a golden eagle (apostle) and prophetess, you are called to go out, called to nations, especially to the U.S., Canada, Europe and Africa. The scripture for your ministry is Isaiah 8:18 (Signs and Wonders) and the strongest gifting you walk in is prophecy and revelation gifts. You teach by prophetic revelation….”
Paul Keith Davis’s The church is in a fresh new day. Divine opportunities are at the door in an unprecedented way. Likewise, there are also many new and fresh faces emerging with holy desperation in their soul and passion for God’s kingdom. Sharnael Wolverton and Swiftfire Ministries are one such example. They are strategically placed in a portion of Louisiana targeted for divine visitation. Baton Rouge can be a model for a 21st century city of refuge and Sharnael, along with her team, are poised to speak into that destiny.
Video & Audio Confirmations
Watch Patricia King’s Word For Sharnael’s Ordination/Commissioning
Listen To Larry Randolph’s Word for Sharnael/Swiftfire
Listen To Graham Cooke’s Word for Sharnael
Listen To Dennis Cramer’s Word to Sharnael